
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kiss And Makeup

Having worked as a professional Makeup Artist for more than 15 years, I have seen everything, (at least I think I have) tried everything (with much enthusiasm!) and spent a lot of $$ on the "Hottest Trends" I have loved and trashed many cosmetics in the process. As an informed professional I am here for YOU! I wanted to share some of my makeup tricks that help me make some of the celebrities I work with look their best. I have compiled a list of essentials in makeup and skin care that will make you shine (in a good way).

Beautiful Makeup begins with a great skin care regimen, no matter how much you pile on that foundation you cannot hide the blemishes that are just waiting for the perfect opportunity to rear their ugly heads (no pun intended). Whatever your skin type here is the order: Cleanse Tone, Treat, Protect. Yes my little Hamptonite you MUST PROTECT!!! that means no sun for you!

A cleanser for your specific skin type, Witch Hazel as a toner for ALL SKIN TYPES, Retinol in the evening, I love ROC it is not at all harsh like its prescription counterpart Retin A.
In the Morning you should be cleansing, toning, and using a treatment that will protect against free radical damage I like Skinceuticals Phloretin CF (see link below) you wont believe the turn around you skin is about to make, follow that with sunscreen.

For quick blemish fix crush one aspirin make a paste with saline solution apply to blemish and say "Buh bye now"

Puffy eyes soak two cotton rounds in green tea, freeze the rounds apply directly as eye compresses. For added anti puffing try a dab of Preparation-H ointment to the under eye area before bed.

For a FLAWLESS face I love Giorgio Armani's Luminous Silk Foundation, It is amazing!
MAC makes a setting powder it is stark white, dont let the color fool you, it is transparent, it will set your foundation without altering the color.

Clea De Peau concealer is beautiful, it is the perfect consistency so it will not settle in lines etc.

I recently posted my favorite Mascara from MAC, "ZOOM LASH", but I am told they just launched a new product that is like false lashes in a tube it is called "Studio Fix Lash", so I am off to buy it, MAC has yet to disappoint me, it is my "Go to" brand for everything Film, TV, Print and everyday beauty.

More soon! Stay tuned!


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